Q&A with University of Tampa Swim
Coach Stephanie Branham
This is an interview with Stephanie Branham, a swim coach and a mathematics professor at the University of Tampa. She started at UT as a swimmer and after getting her masters degree decided to come back to coach in 2012. We touched based on why she decided to stay here in Tampa and what it's like to be apart of the coaching staff.
Stephanie coaching at a Saturday morning practice (photo by Jessie Tobin)
Why did you decide to stay here in Tampa to continue coaching and teaching?
While I was a student here at UT, I made meaningful connections with my coaches and professors and I wanted to give that same experience to future UT students. I chose to return to UT so that I would have a chance to contribute to the UT community in a positive way.
What part of coaching makes you feel the most accomplished?
Every year I have the opportunity to attend the graduation ceremony and I am able to see our senior athletes walk across the stage as they achieve their ultimate goal. Thinking back to when those seniors were freshmen and realizing how they have grown into mature, respectful, young men and women gives me a feeling of pride to know that I played a small role in that growth.
Why is coaching here at Tampa better than coaching someplace else?
The University of Tampa coaching staff is my family. Ed Brennan and Jimi Kiner recruited me as a senior in high school and they were there for me throughout my struggles and successes during my four-year career at UT. I couldn’t imagine feeling the same way about any other university.
What is the most memorable coaching moment in your career and why?
One moment that has always stuck with me was when one of our swimmers came up to me after a very difficult workout and told me that she wouldn’t have made it through without the encouragement that I had given her during the practice. Knowing that I could have such a positive impact and help someone to achieve something they didn’t think was possible was very memorable and something I have continued to try to do throughout my coaching career.
Have you ever considered coaching for another team to get a different experience?
I have never considered coaching for another team or leaving the university. This team and this university have given me the greatest experiences of my career and I couldn’t imagine anything better.
“Interview has been edited for brevity, clarity and style.”
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