Downtown Tampa Climate Strike
On September 20, 2019, a mass of people gathered outside of town hall in downtown Tampa for the worldwide climate strike. The Tampa Climate Action Rally was hosted by Our Climate and Florida Youth Climate Strike. People from all generations came together to show their support for working towards making our earth a cleaner and more sustainable planet.
A young lady and an older woman stand side by side at the climate strike holding their homemade posters. On the left it reads "listen to your mother Earth" and on the right, the poster reads "the Earth is on a loan to each generation what interest do you owe?"
A high school student speaks in front of the crowd about her feelings on climate control as the main speaker, Kara Weihman a senior at Wiregrass Ranch High School and leader with Youth Climate Strike, stands off to the right.
A young boy stands above the crowd on steps outside of town hall holding up his own sign that reads "help stop climate change."
Environmental activist hands out flyers and sign up sheets about the Our Climate and Florida Youth Climate Strike programs that explains ways to become more involved.
A young couple stands side by side in the crowd listening to the speakers. The man is holding up a sign that reads "gen y and z will be on the right side if history."
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