Hyde Park Village Pumpkin Patch

Parents, children, students, and even your four-legged friends can get into the Halloween spirit this year by visiting the Hyde Park village pumpkin patch. The pumpkin patch is set up every year starting on October 10th and will be there until Halloween, which is Thursday, October 31st. The set up allows for people to look through piles of pumpkins to either take one home or pose with them for pictures. If you do purchase a pumpkin friend, a portion of the proceeds will benefit the Humane Society of Tampa Bay. It is a kid and pet-friendly event that will make this fall season in Tampa just a little more festive. 

 A boy makes the climb over a pile of pumpkins 
to grab the one he wants.

 A grandfather shows his grandchild that there are bigger 
pumpkins to choose from because he only grabbed 
small one.

 A festive pup poses as the owner takes pictures of him.

A mom tries to get her baby to look at the camera 
and smile for a photo, but he is not having it today.

A young girl eyes down one of the biggest pumpkins 
and attempts to lift it. 
